
Clare Fitzgerald

Freelance writer & journalist | Founder of Stories of the Unsolved | Content Specialist for Hive Media Group | Former contributor to Seriously Mysterious and OWL Podcast | Formerly with Buffer Festival 365TenEighty UK and CultNoise Magazine.

Stanley Kubrick Was the Mastermind Behind These War Movie Classics

Stanley Kubrick was a talented, yet controversial, Hollywood figure. Best known for directing such classics as The Shining (1980), A Clockwork Orange (1971) and 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968), he knew how to bring engaging screenplays to the big screen. What many might not realize, however, is that Kubrick also directed a handful of war movies, all of which have gone on to become classics within the genre.

John Basilone Ran Headfirst Into Enemy Fire to Defeat the Japanese on Guadalcanal and Iwo Jima

There are few people in American history who are held in such high esteem as US Marine Corps Gunnery Sgt. John Basilone. A Medal of Honor recipient who distinguished himself in the Pacific Theater during the Second World War, he frequently put the wellbeing of his comrades ahead of his own, with his gallantry in battle later depicted in the 2010 HBO miniseries, 'The Pacific.'

From Riches to Rags: The Tragic Life of Peter Pan’s Bobby Driscoll

Bobby Driscoll isn’t a name many are familiar with these days, but his voice is one you’d recognize if you’ve watched Disney’s Peter Pan. Driscoll played the titular character, which would be his final role with the company. His career shows how difficult the entertainment industry can be, especially for children, and what happens when Hollywood no longer feels you have the right look.

The Surprising Reason This Arizona McDonald's Location Has Blue Arches

One of the most recognizable logos in the world is the McDonald’s Golden Arches. The bright yellow “M” has been a symbol of fast food since 1968, drawing in hungry patrons for the restaurant’s signature Big Mac and fries. There are only a few franchises that differ from this standard design. One is in Arizona – and the reason behind this location’s turquoise arches is pretty surprising.

A Look Into Bertie Gilbert's Upcoming Film, ‘PLEASE CARE’

“I’m incredibly fascinated by the ways in which we do or don’t bear our souls,” explains UK-based filmmaker, Bertie Gilbert, when discussing his upcoming short film, PLEASE CARE. The 23-year-old recently announced he was prepping to film the new project, his first since the release of 2019’s GOOD RIDDANCE. In order to help bring the project to fruition, he has launched an IndieGoGo campaign, where viewers can donate funds in support.
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